Designing a Brand Hub for Eigen Technologies
In September 2020 I wrote my first Medium story entitled “Design for people”. I questioned myself about personal concerns and challenges as a Brand Designer in a pandemic scenario. I ended the article asking myself ‘How to keep growing ideas and initiatives of brand awareness that are not just connected to digital experiences’ [..] This is something I’ve been heavily thinking about in the past months and I still don’t have a clear answer to that.
Sometimes there may seem to be no order into something, when all that’s needed to find the order is to change one’s perspective.
90% of our visual communication is based on digital these days, so first response to the challenge would have been to enlarge my field of vision just taking the challenge as an opportunity to trigger multiple key points.

I came up to the decision of designing and building a Brand Hub. The project was initially included in my pre-Covid OKRs but 2020 has been a tough and busy year in many ways and despite the overall situation, the entire Eigen Marketing team achieved some great company goals; on the other side some of the initiatives I planned around Brand equity have given space to other key activities. Looking back, 2020 has been my best year at Eigen as it allowed me to grow up both on a professional and personal level, even working remotely.

I decided to start working on this project in the last couple of weeks of 2020 while most of the Eigen people were on Holiday so I had a few quiet days to finalise the UI and overall user journey. I discussed with Helen Skeen, our Director of Content (thanks Helen), how I could have improved the original brief in order to make the Brand Hub a holistic helpful resource for the wider stakeholder group, both internal and external.
It turned out to be something more than a digital version of the brand guidelines, it has been a sort of personal retrospective of my years at Eigen Technologies.
The aim was to create a public resource about our visual story telling in a digital, modern and consistent format for both the Eigen people and new joiners, new visual designers, internal teams, anyone who wants to learn more about the Eigen Brand, media and investors, clients and partners. Cherry on top, it will be hopefully part of the overall Eigen Design System in collaboration with our Product Design team.

Eigen Brand Hub will be constantly updated with future releases. It’s a starting point and we’ll iterate from there as we work on new visuals and assets as part of the overall visual storytelling and brand recognition.
Thanks for reading all the way to the end! 🙏
What are your experiences with a Brand Hub? Are they useful tools to showcase a company’s visual storytelling?